Omens and effect, Divergent perspectives on emerillon time, space and existence
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
24 x 16 x 2,4 cm
615 g

Omens and effect

Divergent perspectives on emerillon time, space and existence





New Transmedia Release from Semeïon Editions' Fieldwork Series - BOOK AND FILM-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Book:OMENS AND EFFECT Divergent Perspectives on Emerillon Time, Space and ExistenceWhen scientists present their versions of the world – in writing, maps, inventories, figures – they pose their imprint upon it. Like omens, their representations not only reflect the world, they do things, they have effect.Perle Møhl has been working with the Emerillon (Teko) of French Guiana since 1989, both as an anthropologist and as a filmmaker and collaborator in media productions. In "Omens and Effect", she traces the tangible effects of established scientific descriptions – omens – in the daily lives of the Emerillon, and explores the creative activities the Emerillon have engaged in to counter such omens, opposing them with their own inventive and optimistic descriptions of the world, and their place and possibilities within it. What appears to be a classic monograph, establishing the veracity about Emerillon past and present, evolves into a playful analysis of a semiotic field of tension about what goes into the category "Emerillon", a struggle for definitions, for the right to make them – and to make them count. 320 pages, illustrated, 16cm x 24cm. ISBN : 979-10-90448-02-5. Price (including the DVD): 28€---------------------------------------------The Film:CONFLUENCES - Emerillon of French GuianaWith this film project, the anthropologist invites her Emerillon companions to defy the negative images hitherto made of them and to propose new ones. Several Emerillon take up the challenge, and through their sometimes stumbling, but always resourceful efforts to maintain a life in the forest while profiting from their status as French citizens, they present another version of what being Emerillon is about.Made as an integrated part of the fieldwork and the investigation of the various definitions of Emerillonhood, CONFLUENCES proposes a sensuous and complementary type of anthropological knowledge about Emerillon being as it is lived and conceived in daily life.Film: 78 min. English and French subtitlesFilmed by Perle Møhl • Editing: Vincent Blanchet • Music: CouchiliExtra: The director’s point of view - 18 min.DVD Video DL • PAL EAN: 0616983845554 Price - DVD: 13€---------------------------------------------Published with support from the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Technology (Tips- & Lotto-Midler), DCCD and Studios de la Vanne© Semeïon Editions & Studios de la Vanne 2012
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